One Night Only

Welcome to the TAR ONO page!


I, TAR_BabuFrik, will be hosting and running these ONO's every Saturday and all you have to do is be on TAF when we start taking names and let anyone in TAR know you want in, and I will add you to the list.

I may even host more than one on weekends to try and cover the wide range of timezones for the TA player base. I want to be able to host this so everyone can participate.

The Leaderboard lists player's total accumulated points (for determining a ranking system - just fun to look at overall), their current points (which is a Piggy Bank of sorts), and their 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place finishes.

Each point = $1 and you can cash them out at any time. So if you had 20 points and wanted a Chipotle burrito, we can work something out where I will get you the funds or item of that value, which is then deducted from your current points.

Everyone gets 1 point for entering the ONO. 1st place gets an extra 10 points, 2nd place gets an extra 5 points, and 3rd place gets an extra 3. I am keeping a list of these to accurately update the Leaderboards after each ONO.

Don't be dickheads. I don't owe you shit. This is my money that I am giving away so everyone can have a little fun with TA. Don't ruin the fun, or argue with ruling decisions, or be an obnoxious twat and everything will be fine.


1. All games are to be played on the current ProTA version: 4.6

2. The game host is to title the games: "TAR ONO - Round X", with X being whichever round the game is played

3. Games are to be hosted with zero-delay and not hidden

a. Nobody is cheating

b. This is for the streamers and content creators to have an option for viewing these live

c. If you do try to cheat this way, nobody is going to stop you and it probably won't help you - but if I find out, I will give you the L on principle and also for being dumb enough to get caught

4. The games will be single-elimination

a. If a game ends in a draw on TAF, then I will make a judgement call on who wins for the round

b. I will always be fair and give sound reasoning on these if they ever occur

c. Examples:

i. If you use your commander aggressively and build/walk/etc towards the opponent on small maps choking them out of the game, you will also most likely be determined the loser because you force their hand into a draw

ii. Jorne vs Venom 1v1 GoW in the finals of the 1v1 tournament a while ago: I would give Jorne the loss

iii. I will add more to the list as needed, but whatever I rule is what stands regardless of anything written here. This is just a general guideline for everyone in understanding the process

6. Whatever map is the chosen map for the round, the host needs to use the latest version in the TAF Vault

7. Doesn't look like version 4.5 games can be hosted as ladder matches, otherwise I would have said as long as both players agree to it then go for it

8. Feel free to ask any TAR questions about this, as we are usually in our discord hanging out and I will get the message. I will do my best to help, but also, please be reasonable and not a cunt